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We are all the descendants of foragers + wild flower collectors, of medicine women, kitchen witches + gardeners. With the guidance of intuition, creativity and old wisdom, The Wild Folk harvests botanical allies and elements to formulate powerful plant medicine, to bring the wild into our homes and to nourish our spirits. It is our intention to connect our bodies in harmony to the soil we are born from by encouraging more of these wild elements in our daily lives. We support those on the same path whom are also using their skill and knowledge to aid this planet and its people.

Wild Beauty is our collection of body care products that deliver healing benefits beyond the skin to address the state of our wellness and where we can strengthen. Our hand-crafted recipes infuse harmonic earth elements that assist our health and wellness. We believe that Beauty thrives best in balance and this is what we use as the foundation in our practice.

Kitchen Medicine is the collective effort of the many people growing, harvesting and formulating with the earth and our wellness in mind. We source products as close to home as we can, supporting Canada’s sustainable farmers, foragers, bee keepers and wild-crafters. The bounty and knowledge these people provide, will contiue to encourage our health and wellness to flourish.

Spirit Care means resonating closer with what matters most to us and consciously choosing to collect more of those moments more often. Our curated collection of Spirit Care goods honours those liminal moments where we can connect and align, whether in the midst of a busy day or in the moments of peaceful practice. They are healing, outward reminders that we need to look inward to steady and realign ourselves in what matters most.

We have always found inspiring and profound beauty in the wild, but also indoors; in apothecaries, greenhouses and working kitchens. Drying herbs hung after a harvest, shelves stacked with glass jars, tonic bottles and brews. Our Living Lab and work space are both filled with botanical earth elements that we have collected and want to share. Wild Home is a celebration of rustic and botanical elements, patterns and textures that have been carefully curated and fashioned for the moon, mystic and earth lover.